The State of Things: April 22, 2024

Yes, I meant to post something earlier than today. Yes, things got in the way. Particular things, life things. Specifically, school things.

The long and short of it is that I got accepted into grad school. Since I want to get my Masters as soon as possible, and start a new life before I turn 45, my first semester begins this summer. I’ve been emailing people back and forth, going down a checklist, trying not to fret over my first tuition bill, and just taking care of all the obligations related to grad school.

I didn’t miss this when I was getting an undergraduate degree, and I swore that I’d never go back to school. Here I am, all because I can’t get a job in a library without an advanced degree. Hell.

Juggling studies, hobbies, and a part-time job will be trial and error moving forward, but I’ve managed it before. In fact, I’m getting some great practice in right now. Let me update you on the fun stuff.

Vinesauce: The Questening

I haven’t given up on the project. Oh, no, I stubbornly carry on projects until the sunken cost fallacy hits me like a penny dropped from a skyscraper. And then I keep going. But I am going through a three-hour long video, so this post won’t be out by the end of this month like I’d hoped. I also want to draw an appropriately unsettling medieval-style featured image for it—since it is dealing with Tomodachi Life—which means extra, special, loving care has to be devoted to it.

Sounds Stuck in My Brain/YouTube Stuff

Would you believe the featured image is the hiccup in this upcoming Sounds post? It’s easy to write about the songs and podcasts I’m listening to, but I’ve spent the most time being inspired by an album cover and… I guess interpreting would be the word… no, reinterpreting it for this post. It would be easier to have a single featured image for Sounds and other media-type posts, but I like the idea of drawing unique images for them. And it forces me to actually create art, which I don’t do enough of these days.

Library Adventures/Book Reviews/Etcetera

I meant to write about my last three trips to the library, but I never got the photos off my phone. (See the above info about grad school prep for the main reason.) I’d even thought about writing brief thoughts about the books I’m finally returning to the Friends of the Library workroom… but that would be a very short post.

Being open about a hobby I usually don’t share

Maybe I should just let the cards describe this.

Tarot cards of the Five of Wands, Nine of Swords, Justice, and The Lovers.

What if I were open about my interest in tarot on my blog?

Five of Wands: Conflicts, disagreements, struggle, opposition. I’m not surprised.

Why would there be conflict about this?

Nine of Swords: Anxiety, fears, stress. But doesn’t this card usually signify that it’s all in your head?

Fine. Why would I be anxious about this?

Justice: Fairness, integrity, consequences, life lessons. I have integrity?

What if I said to hell with it and just shared my interest anyway?

The Lovers: Connections, shared values, kindred spirits. I just might meet new people this way.

There you go. I do tarot readings, and I’m going to talk about them.

(Images are from the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, but these particular ones have been improved for online use by LuciellaES.)