Tarot Reading: Vinesauce Compilation

Goody goody gumdrops, it’s time for you to witness how I do a tarot reading. Let’s see how some mass-produced glossy cards can somehow tap into the universal consciousness and pull an answer out of fat air.

Okay, the truth is that I don’t really know how tarot cards work. Nobody really does. Get a bunch of tarot readers together and ask them how the cards work and I guarantee that the rest of the day will be spent arguing about theories. Drag-out brawls and eye gouging with crystals could occur, so I’d caution against such a gathering.

Regardless of how these cards work, I’ve gotten some eerily accurate answers from them in questions pertaining to my own life. So I do believe there’s something to these spiritual tools. I’ve used them to get a feel for projects, reassure myself about life goals, and even pass the time.

Sure, I could do some readings on this blog about love, money, and success *yawn*. I could, if I were basic. But I’m… uh, the opposite of basic. I’m so not basic I’m gonna do readings about the nebulous nature of online content creation. How about getting insights into a world still controlled by big companies, where the little guy or gal is at the mercy of algorithms? How about predicting the chances of creators like BizNatch Spankdaddy and Disobeying Goggler finally doing a collaboration?*

*I don’t know if these people do exist, but if they don’t, here are two free handles if you need them.

Housekeeping: For the tarot readers out there, this is how I typically do readings. I know the general practice is to simply draw three cards and leave it at that. But there’s no single “correct” spread. I like to go in depth for my readings, especially when an initial card isn’t clear. I like a bit of nuance. Of course, there is a danger in over-reading and making a muddled collection of cards (especially if reversals are included). But this is a straightforward question, so it shouldn’t be too involved.

First query: What might the next big Vinny Vinesauce compilation be about?

A tarot spread with Four of Wands, Two of Swords, and The Magician.

Four of Wands, Two of Swords, The Magician

It might be from a game that Vinny enjoyed immensely. Highlights may include moments where he had to make difficult moral choices or made use of strategic skills. This game might have stood out in that Vinny got to show off cleverness and skill that he couldn’t perform in other games due to their designs or limitations.

Okay, I’m intrigued. I gotta ask something else.

Second query: Might this compilation contain footage from a recent or older session?

A tarot spread featuring Six of Swords, Knight of Cups, and Four of Swords.

Six of Swords, Knight of Cups, Four of Swords

Six of Swords is tricky here… Very likely recent (I’m guessing within the past year) and this might have been a departure from the content he usually presents. It may be from a game that Vinny was passionate or enthusiastic about, or one that became a surprise hit for him; he may have found it dreamlike or it appealed to his idealism. While the game made use of his skills, it may have also offered a chance to relax and contemplate, and the end result was a memorably reflective experience for himself and his viewers.

Third query: When might this compilation be made?

A tarot spread featuring Six of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, and Page of Swords.

Six of Pentacles, Knight of Pentacles, Page of Swords

Okay, I don’t like timing readings because they’re tricky. Even readers far more skilled than myself tend to avoid them. Some do have systems where different suits stand for certain timing increments (seasons, weeks, months, etc.), or they use cards’ corresponding zodiac signs or numerology. But I’ve found the best method is seeing what conditions have to be met for something to happen.

With that said, the compilation may be made when an editor finds the video and sees the value in creating a highlights compilation from it. They may see it as an opportunity to give back to Vinny and the community. Picking choice moments will require patience, but the editor will be dedicated and focused enough to create something that meets their definition of high quality. They may even ask other viewers for suggestions on what should be included, since they may also see this project as a way to understand what other fans liked about the video. Since there’s a Page, I imagine this could be a new editor or even a new Vinesauce viewer.

Dang, that was a little deeper than I thought it would be. I was expecting something along the lines of “a silly compilation that the editor made while battling immense anxiety because they were in over their head but went ahead anyway” (Page of Cups, Nine of Swords, and The Fool, if you’re curious).

Do I have confidence that this particular compilation will happen? Yes, but maybe not right away. Vinny’s official editor(s) and fan editors probably have several projects cooking at once, after all.

Part of the fun of tarot readings is seeing how events unfold in real life and how the cards predict certain elements, or if interpretations were on the mark. Each card has multiple meanings, and the one chosen at the time of the reading may not be the one that comes to pass.

Readings aren’t set in stone, besides. People do have free will, circumstances change, and mass-produced glossy cards are not the masters of our fates. But it’s still pretty fun, and it can be amazing when readings do manifest in real life, even if it’s not entirely what was expected.

If you’re wondering about my guess as to which game the compilation will draw from, I do have one game in mind. But I want to keep it a secret on the off chance that someone from the Vinesauce viewerverse is reading this and getting ideas. It wouldn’t be fair if I named the game and someone decided to make the compilation. Let me be in suspense.

And if you are reading this, Vinesauce fans, I already know what other reading you want me to do. I’m not psychic, I just know you guys. I know that some of you want insights into a certain game that people have been bugging Vinny to play for years. So I’ll do another reading next week.

Can you stand the suspense?! Yes, of course you can. You’ve got a life and other ways to occupy your time. Enjoy it.