The State of Things: August 29, 2024

Or a Mishmash Post that Brings Me Relief from Studies

Courses started this week, and the first two weeks or so are going to be a bear. Or a bitch. A bitch bear. So many pages of excruciatingly dry academic writing, so many breaks I need to take so my eyes don’t fall out of my skull. At least one of these courses is project-intensive, which means I get to make something that has possible real-world application—or at the very least helps make my professional portfolio look great.

I’ll show you something that’s helped these study sessions: a playlist of Skyrim Pomodoros by Ambient Horizons.



I’m still playing Elder Scrolls Online. Leveling up is way easier than I thought. I’m already a Level 12 Templar, but I imagine I’ll have to be something like a Level 800 Death Templar brimming with Gods’ Wrath and wielding Destroying Light as a passive to beat the Big Bad. I guess. I’m still learning terms.

To be fair, my personal objective is to reach a region with lots of evergreen trees and snow—or lots of Alfiq—where I can spend my days crafting jewelry. But I guess I’ll help the Aldmeri Dominion take down powerful racists who threaten the peace of the realm. *long-suffering sigh*

And I’ll look out for the ubiquitous TES glitches and errors all the while.Three screenshots show a palm tree labeled as a maple tree in the Elder Scrolls Online game.

Ah, seeing this tall, skinny maple in Khenarthi’s Roost brought back memories of living in Puerto Rico. I remember when my father would climb the skinny, curving maple trees, wielding a machete to hack down the green, round things growing near the top—acorns, I think we called them.



Listening to Two on the Vine has me itching to play my own (non-litigious) version of Greenlight Guess. How about it, Dear Reader?

The Cummunist Manifesto: Dommy Mommy Commie Adventure

Have you ever wondered what is in the Communist Manifesto? Do you have a thing for hot anime MILFs? Do you have a thing for German Philosophers and wish they were hot anime MILFs? Your weirdly specific needs are finally being met in “The Cummunist Manifesto: Dommy Mommy Commie Adventure.” At it’s core “The Cummunist Manifesto” is a kinetic novel featuring the addition of a pair of banger tits.

Is is real or not?


That is real, and it’s a game I’ve been watching being made live on Rev’s streams.

Just to be clear, this is a total shitpost of a game. But working on it has sparked a different kind of curiosity and wonder in Rev, and he’s now developing a second game. It’s pretty wholesome to watch his chat help him out; other chats I’ve seen would attempt to pull him in different directions to make the game they want.



Speaking of Vinesauce stuff, the Questening is continuing. I’m halfway through the second part of this current installment. Since there are actual health-related references, I’m taking extra time to find reliable sources in today’s doubtable internet. You know, there was a time when I was considering becoming a medical writer. Doing this installment makes me glad I didn’t go through with that career, because goddamn, am I bored to death of medical terms and health crap.

To think I chose this two-parter because I thought it would be a simple side quest.

Once I finish fleshing out my bullet points and create some properly medieval-like images, the post will go live—at long fricking last—perhaps the first or second week of September.



To a Dear Reader who asked why I don’t email Vinny about VTQ: Ehhhmmm…

Okay. Confession time. I did email Vinny. But but but! this was years ago. With my cursed timing, it happened when he took a much-needed break, and word from the grapevine (yeah, Vinesauce and grapevine, funny) was that messages from unfamiliar addresses were being deleted by his mods. I can’t verify or dismiss this. But he wasn’t the first big name content creator I emailed. I’d contacted two others on different occasions, and my messages just happened to coincide with major upheavals in their careers and lives, with announcements of emails, DMs, and other forms of contact being halted.

First time is unfortunate. Second time is suspicious. Third time is the universe telling you to pay attention. In my case, it was probably that I had exceptionally shitty timing or that my efforts to message popular content creators would falter.

I wasn’t expecting replies, but when you hear that messages you put some effort into crafting get nuked almost immediately, it makes you cautious about where you spend your time. In my 40s, time is becoming increasingly precious.

Could an email of mine now survive the daily onslaught his inbox experiences? Maybe. But even then… it’s kind of sad isn’t it? Like a child showing their parent a drawing they made? Seeking validation and attention? Vinny does appreciate weird and unusual things, but the concept of VTQ might be too odd for him.

I don’t know, maybe that’s low self-confidence speaking, or maybe it’s realistic thinking. All I know is that if VTQ is meant to get attention from the person it inspired, it’ll happen.

In the meantime, with peace and love, please stop trying to bruteforce your daydreams into reality. Peace and love, peace and love. Life has a way of creating pushbacks and failures from unchecked enthusiasm and reckless attempts. Maybe I’m being a Cassandra here, but this fandom is tenacious when it comes to manifesting their most obsessed-over scenarios, and that could cause some real chaos in the future—life-changing, miserable chaos. No peace or love.



I need to find additional material for this blog and additional reasons to update regularly.

My life is more than just a silly annotating project, grad school, and consuming internet content. A couple of kind folks have wondered about my original projects that I mentioned at another time. All I’ll say is that there’s at least one project that’s ongoing (albeit being updated slowly), and I’m not quite comfortable with sharing it on this blog again… but I’m considering doing a slow leak of the other projects.

I’m tired of having unfinished projects weighing down my head. They have a way of popping up when I’m feeling my best. I’m tired of the vision of being on my death bed and reminded of the things I never completed. I need these ideas out so I can make room for other, newer things in my life. Maybe I can make peace with them. Maybe love them again. I don’t know. But my friends believe in the potential of these projects more than I do, so perhaps I’ll do this more for them than myself.

So in the coming weeks, you’ll probably start seeing some pieces as well as the resources that inspired them. Perhaps some art as well, because being in Rev’s chat is helping me feel brave about sharing again. And people thought hanging out there would be a waste of time…

But I want to ease into that a bit. How about I share the Star Trek audiobooks I’ve listened to and might use as inspiration?…