YouTube Trawling: September 11, 2024

Last time, I said I’d talk about the Star Trek audiobooks I’ve listened to, but the list is still pretty short… and noticeably Q-centric. Advanced entities with a massive hate-on for humans while being blind to their glaringly human flaws gnaw on my nerves like nothing else. And yet I’m fascinated by the omnipotent nuisance. I have to resist diving back into those audiobooks again, or I’ll never make it to the other titles.

So while that post is simmering on the back burner, let me show you the little video treasures I’ve discovered recently.

[Pre-Stream] Shroom Jam Announcement, Vinny voiced Spike on Mario 64 Co-op, Conan Throwbrien & More


Guess which streamer I’ve been watching live lately? That’s right—Northernlion!

No, I’m kidding… but if streamers keep mentioning him, I might have to check him out.

But, yes, I’ve been managing to catch Vinny live! Or rather, I’ve been managing to mostly listen to him live. School projects have me burning the midnight oil, and I need all the help I can get. I usually doze off towards the end of the streams, but getting that extra hour or two of productivity makes a difference.

That said, I don’t chat. Remember in the earliest version of my FAQ page, I imagined Vinny’s chat having the energy of five Carousel Rooms from the House on the Rock? Well, I was wrong. It’s ten Carousel Rooms.

So, to any Dear Readers lurking around at the same time: hey [heart emote]

But getting to the video. Around the 7:56 mark, Vinny shares his latest voice acting role as Spike in Super Mario 64 Co-op DX. They’re just voice clips, but they’re great! Vinny being offered roles means people want his talent in their projects. No, I don’t care if it’s “just a mod pack”. I’m still giddy with joy for him, and I believe this small step is another in the marathon towards something bigger. So there.

Readers, imagine it: David Hayter passing the torch to Vinny to voice Solid Snake. I’m all verklempt at the idea.

Okay, I know Hayter probably wouldn’t have a say in the decision, but it’s the symbolism that counts, dammit.

Is THAT Story True?


Say whatever you will about Doug Walker, you can’t knock him down—he’ll just whap you in the face like one of those inflatable clown punching bags.

I’d heard a variation of the alleged cinnamon roll story about seven years ago, and I heard about this version he recounts not too long before this very video came out. I didn’t buy the story itself, and not because I like Doug. There’s something too wacky about it, too perfectly executed. It has that “it’s widespread on the internet, so you have to believe it” air about it. Not to mention it’s usually repeated by people who don’t like Doug, which alone makes me doubt its veracity.

But Doug handles the story in his usual way: breaking it down, providing facts, and relishing in the absurdity. Most other creators would be in a panic and trying to do damage control. Doug does some damage control, then wishes this weird thing had happened for real. That’s some fucking self-assuredness right there.

God—or Whoever is listening—give me the grace to accept what I can’t change, the strength to endure whatever comes my way, and the ability to roll with the punches like Doug Walker. Amen.

The Medieval Fast Food that Time Forgot


I did say I’d start sharing bits of my coming-out-of-abandonment stories, as well as the research I plan to integrate. If you saw the video title and thought, “Oh, another basic bitch fantasy story,” I wouldn’t blame you. Stick around and you’ll see how I’m trying different things.

In the meantime, learn some history and enjoy the image of adventurers putting in orders for cheese flans, hot sheep’s feet, and “great and small fishes”.