YouTube Playlist of the Day: November 17, 2024
I thought about taking a break for the rest of the year to focus on school, projects, and stepping back from certain online spaces. But those breaks tend to stretch into weeks or months, and I don’t need to add another hiatus to my list. Besides, there are still good things and good people on the internet, and I want to keep supporting and nurturing them.
This post is for a buddy who’s been in the trenches with me and has faced some heinous things. I wanted to put something together for them—a little bolstering, some validation, and a reminder that they’re doing good work, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
This is a play list I curated between working on assignments and projects. Dr. Ramani is an expert on narcissism and its damage. While I don’t agree with her soft-touch language (I’ll say I freaked out about something if I damn well want, don’t police my story), her work is invaluable to anyone discovering and recovering from narcissistic abuse.
I’m sharing this because I know there are some readers who could use a little help, a wake-up call, or a reminder that fighting for yourself or others is hard, but it’s worth it. And it’s an important reminder that I need to be compassionate and understanding for those who are still stuck, even if it’s painful to go forward without them. But it also gives me hope that they can get out one day.
I’m proud of you, buddy. We will survive and thrive.