Reading I’ve Been Doing Online: January 31, 2024 Edition

Stuff I think you should check out

MST3K Annotated: 912 The Screaming Skull

I love it when research has me revisiting fun times. While skimming the MST3K Annotated site for ideas on how to describe references, I inevitably rewatched one of my favorite MST3K episodes, The Screaming Skull. I try to avoid comments on YouTube when possible, but I happened to catch a fragment of one that described the movie being based on the 1911 novel of the same name by F. Marion Crawford. One search later…

Screaming Skulls: Folklore, Fact and Fiction

… and I found this blog post from The Haunted Palace Blog. In addition to finding out a little bit more about the original novel, I picked up some cool guardian and screaming skull stories, history, and theories.

Thomas Skelton: The Murderous Jester of Muncaster Castle

From the same blog, we have the tale of Thomas Skelton, the last jester of Muncaster Castle. A short but entertaining read, and the chance of homicidal jesters invading your dreams is a nice bonus.

I Quit Mastodon Again

On an unrelated search, I wanted to find out how Mastodon had been doing since I decided that it was a waste of my time back in… I forget. What a relief to find that there’s at least one other soul out there who’s had the same experience as I had with Mastodon and, well, social media in general. “Why the hell can’t we have a social internet or a social web without social media?” Matthew feels like a kindred spirit, and I wish him luck on his own journey to find his online collective.